How To Install A Hunter Thermostat Model 441577
A quick overview of installing the Hunter Internet Thermostat. How to build your own swimming pool. All process, step by step (in only 30 minutes).
Install a Hunter Digital Thermostat Install a Hunter Digital Thermostat in Your RVOut with the bad. And in with the goodAn analog RV thermostat can be replaced with a Digital Hunterthermostatpart number 42999(B) or 42995 to provide tighter temperature control inbothheating and cooling modes. The hysterisis program for the Hunterthermostat is +/-1 degree of set temperature, and also provides adigitalreadout of ambient temperature.
Hunter Thermostat 44110
The Hunter unit can bepurchasedfrom Wal.Mart for about $20.I have also tested the programable Lux TX500 in my RV with thesame positive results. The Lux TX500 is available in manyhardware stores.Download the installation instructionsfrom the link below for complete details. Credit for the originalconcept and details of the Coleman modification is given to AlanPaskey.Les Adams further developed this concept to work with the Dometic A/CandAtwood furnace.
Hunter Thermostat Manual
This guide wasspecifically written to assist owners of the Hunter 'Just Right' 42999B A/Cthermostat in removing an old analog mercury thermostat and installing thenew Hunter digital unit in its place.Please remember to turn off the power to your home before proceeding andtake all possible safety precautions. I am not a professional.