Er Diagram Question And Solution Pdf Converter
Er Diagram Interview Questions
Er Diagram Examples Questions
Erd practice exercises.1.ERDPracticeExercisesDatabase Design.Exercise 1Problem. A company database needs to store informationabout employees (identified by ssn, with salary andphone as attributes), departments (identified bydno, with dname and budget as attributes), andchildren of employees (with name and age asattributes).Exercise 1Problem. Employees work in departments; each departmentis managed by an employee; a child must beidentified uniquely by name when the parent (whois an employee; assume that only one parent worksfor the company) is known. Software pc download.
Why Database Data Modeling with ER Model? In this section you can learn and practice Database Questions based on 'Data Modeling with ER Model' and improve your skills in order to face the interview, competitive examination and various entrance test (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, Bank Exam, Railway Exam etc.) with full confidence.