Angelo Branduardi Best Of Rar
Eigth and last reprise: This is I think the best version of the main theme. Acoustic guitar, violin and flute. The best Branduardi. 'Sarabanda' closes the album with a classical guitar piece, something in which Branduardi is a master, even though his true instrument is violin. If you like Steve Hackett or Anthony Phillips you can't miss this track.
Angelo Branduardi Best Of Rar
Angelo Branduardi (born February 12, 1950), is an Italian folk singer and composer who scored relevant success in Italy and European countries such as France and Germany. Branduardi was born in Cuggiono, a small town in the province of Milan, but early moved with the family to Genoa.
He was educated as a classical violinist in the local school of music. At the age of 18 he composed the music for the Confessioni di un malandrino (Hooligan's Confession) by Sergei Yesenin, still one of his finest songs. He is married to Luisa Zappa, who wrote the lyrics for many of his songs.
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Angelo Branduardi (born February 12, 1950), is an Italian folk singer and composer who scored relevant success in Italy and European countries such as France and Germany. Creation pcut ct630 usb driver. Branduardi was born in Cuggiono, a small town in the province of Milan, but early moved with the family to Genoa. He was educated as a classical violinist in the local school of music. At the age of 18 he composed the music for the Confessioni di un malandrino (Hooligan's Confession) by Sergei Yesenin, still one of his finest songs. He is married to Luisa Zappa, who wrote the lyrics for many of his songs.